In today's rapidly evolving workplaces, organizations are increasingly recognizing the significance of employee wellbeing. As the pursuit of a healthy and engaged workforce becomes a top priority, companies are embracing innovative approaches to enhance employee satisfaction, productivity, and overall success. One such approach gaining significant attention is Organizational Network Analysis (ONA). In this article, we delve into the pivotal role ONA plays in fostering employee wellbeing and explore its impact on organizations that value the health and happiness of their employees. We also highlight a compelling use case of ONA in monitoring burnout risk through the analysis of the digital footprint of collaborative tools.

ONA is a method used to map and analyze the relationships, interactions, and flows of information within an organization. By visualizing these networks, ONA provides valuable insights into the informal connections, communication patterns, and collaboration dynamics that exist within the workforce. This understanding can then be leveraged to improve organizational performance, optimize decision-making, and, importantly, support employee wellbeing.

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Traditional organizational charts offer a limited view of how work actually gets done. ONA, on the other hand, uncovers the hidden social fabric that weaves individuals together, unveiling the informal networks of collaboration, influence, and support. By identifying influential employees, key opinion leaders, and information brokers, organizations gain a comprehensive understanding of how knowledge, resources, and emotional support flow across the organization. This knowledge serves as a foundation for designing interventions that bolster employee wellbeing.

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% of Emails Sent Outside Working Hours. Source: Cognitive Talent Solutions

Monitoring Burnout Risk

An intriguing use case of ONA in promoting employee wellbeing involves monitoring burnout risk by analyzing the digital footprint of collaborative tools. With the prevalence of remote work and flexible schedules, the boundaries between work and personal life have become blurred. By examining collaboration patterns and the percentage of collaboration occurring outside of working hours, organizations can identify individuals who may be at a higher risk of burnout. This valuable insight allows proactive interventions to be implemented, such as workload adjustments, coaching, or targeted support programs, to mitigate burnout and promote overall employee wellbeing.

Enhancing Social Support Systems

Strong social connections at work contribute significantly to employee wellbeing. Through ONA, organizations can identify employees who act as central connectors, bridging gaps between different teams, departments, or hierarchical levels. These individuals can be instrumental in nurturing a sense of belonging, fostering effective teamwork, and providing access to critical information and resources. By leveraging these natural connectors, organizations can strengthen social support systems, thereby enhancing employee wellbeing and mitigating the negative effects of isolation and burnout.

Improving Communication and Collaboration

Effective communication and collaboration are vital for employee engagement and satisfaction. ONA helps organizations identify communication bottlenecks, silos, and information gaps that hinder the flow of ideas and collaboration. Armed with these insights, companies can implement strategies to facilitate open and transparent communication, encourage knowledge sharing, and promote cross-functional collaboration. Such initiatives foster a positive work environment, enhance employee relationships, and ultimately contribute to overall wellbeing.


In the pursuit of employee wellbeing, organizations must embrace innovative approaches that go beyond traditional methods. ONA offers a valuable lens through which organizations can gain a deep understanding of their social networks, enhance communication and collaboration, strengthen support systems, and create a positive work environment. By leveraging the power of ONA, companies demonstrate their commitment to employee wellbeing, paving the way for enhanced engagement, productivity, and overall success. The use case of monitoring burnout risk through the analysis of the digital footprint of collaborative tools showcases the versatility and effectiveness of ONA in promoting employee wellbeing in the modern workplace.

Categories: Blog

Cognitive Talent Solutions

Cognitive Talent Solutions focuses its activity on Organizational Network Analysis (ONA) and Organizational Restructuring powered by AI. ONA allows you to visualize and analyze both formal and informal relationships that exist within your organization, enabling you to model a business strategy that effectively exchanges information and ideas to help your company thrive in a rapidly changing environment.